
Jackson debuts at Edinburgh Film Festival


An emotional and inspiring documentary that details the road to recovery for former Dragons RFC star Ed Jackson after an almost fatal spinal cord injury is to get its world premiere next month.

The Mountain Within Me follows Ed's journey on his recovery as he achieves the mental and physical heights of Snowdonia, the Alps and Himalayas to the life-altering challenges closer to home.

Ed played at the highest level, but in April 2017 he was involved in a serious accident where he broke his neck and a serious spinal cord injury. This left him paralyzed from the neck down and doctors told him he would never walk again.

When faced with life-changing injuries, Ed Jackson harnessed his determination to create a future for himself, his wife and his family that most thought impossible.

The documentary follows Ed, and his wife Lois, as they undertake an extraordinary journey through the past and present and honestly discuss their future and the impact of living with a disability.

From multi-award-winning director, Polly Steele and BAFTA and Emmy nominated producer, George Chignell, the film is a thought-provoking experience about unexpected change, hope and finding renewed purpose in life.

The new film - The Mountain Within Me – gets its world premiere at the Edinburgh International Film Festival between August 16 and 18. To book tickets click HERE

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